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  • 巧克力的世界 - 來源與製造(一)
  • Jack喜愛巧可力,偶而自己做一些松露(Truffle)與朋友分享.但直到那天他從外頭帶進來6磅不同巧克力,又不肯透露出花費多少錢, 我才覺得這個喜愛有點過分. 其實他買的這些巧克力都蠻好吃的, 但為處罰他花錢不懂節制, 我要他寫一些有關巧克力的文章放在網站, 讓客戶分享. 這是他第一份交差. 因他中文不行, 由我翻譯
  • Everything Chocolate


    To me, there is nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolates to share. I love chocolates, in solid form such as chocolate bars and in liquid form, like hot chocolate. There’s no doubt that there is a desire for chocolate in all of us. But have you ever wondered where and how these chocolate treats came from and they are made? Well, there is just an endless mass of knowledge when it comes down to everything chocolate. The taste and texture of the chocolate bar that you are eating have come a very long way to have been able to develop the exact flavor and texture that you are experiencing right now. To better understand the science of chocolate, we must start from the origin of where raw chocolate is grown and harvested.

    再也沒比好朋友更美好的事物了, 對我來說. 但是, 能分享巧克力的好朋友那就更棒了. 我愛死巧克力, 無論巧克力棒或熱巧克力飲料. 勿庸置疑, 大家都喜愛巧克力. 只是, 你可曾想過這些迷人的巧克力從哪裡來, 又在哪兒製造呢? 如果要追根究底, 巧克力的知識可真是一門大學問呢. 如果你正在品嚐一條巧克力, 它的美味跟質地可要往前追朔無數的過程, 才能產生如此讓你享受的產品. 為了容易瞭解巧克力的科學, 我們必須從巧克力的原料來源說起.


    Where chocolate is grown is the first step in defining flavor of the end product in everything chocolate. You would be surprised to learn that chocolates actually grow on trees known as the, “Cacao Tree”. Almost all of cacao trees are planted around the hot and rainy climates within 20 degrees north and south of the equator. Sometimes people refer this strip of location as the, “Cacao Belt”.  Today some of the world leading producers are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil and many more.

    巧克力樹的產地是決定最終巧克力口味的第一個元素. 是的, 巧克力是長在樹上的. 它的正式名稱叫做可可樹(Cacao Tree). 幾乎所有的可可樹是生長在赤道南北20緯度之內. 有時候人們稱這些區域為 可可樹環帶” (Cacao Belt). 今天, 環帶中幾個重要的巧克力產國包括象牙海岸,迦納(黃金海岸),印尼,奈及利亞,巴西等國.

    On the cacao tree, there are flowers that bloom directly off the truck or the branch of the tree and it takes about 5 to 8 months for a blossom flower bud to ripen into a fruit, known as the cacao pods. Although the cacao tree will flower all year round, but only about 5%-10% of the overall flowers will be pollinated, then fertilized and become the fruit (cacao pod). The reasons why such tiny amount of pods are produced from one cacao tree are because most of the flowers bloom at the peak of the late season, and they are naturally pollinated by “Midges” which are insects similar to flies, and on seldom times, bats will also pollinated the flowers as well. And another reason is that, pollination usually happens in the morning and the flowers will die if not pollinated after 24 hours. 


    每年可可樹會從樹幹或桱長出花朵. 花蕾須經過58個月的成長期, 成熟後長成可可豆莢(Cacao Pods). 可可樹一年四季都會開花, 但約只有5%10%經過花粉授精成功而成長為水果, 即可可豆莢. 為什麼一顆可可樹僅能結出少量可可豆莢? 其中一個原因是大部分的可可花都集中開在最後一季, 而且靠一種稱為搖蚊”(Midges)的飛蚊昆蟲傳播花粉, 有些時候, 蝙蝠也作出一些貢獻. 另一個原因是授粉總是發生在清晨, 未經授粉的花蕾24小時後就會凋謝.

    The pods are green while they are young and they turn brownish yellow when they ripe. Then the pods are harvested by hand, usually using a very sharp, producing a clean cut through the stalk without damaging the branch. Once, ripen cocoa pods are harvested, they usually wait 7 to 10 days before splitting open the pods to remove the seeds, known as the, “Cocoa beans”. To split open the pods, a wooden club is usually used to smash down on central area of the pod, resulting it to crack open in two halves, and the wet cacao beans are removed by hand.  After extractions of the beans, they must undergo a fermenting process before being shipped off to a chocolate manufacturer around the world.


    可可豆莢初期是綠色的, 成熟時轉變為褐黃色. 然後用手一顆一顆被摘下來, 摘取時用利刀從桱與梗切斷, 不能傷到樹桱.  摘獲的豆莢放置710天裂開取出裡面的種子, 也就是大家比較熟悉的可可豆”(Cocoa Beans). 用一種特別設計的木製開莢棒(Wooden Club)在豆莢的特定部位敲擊, 豆莢應聲而開成兩半. 此時用手取出生的可可豆, 經過挑選的可可豆接著經過一定的發酵程序後, 才被送至世界各地的巧克力工廠進一步加工.

    ............. To be continued. (待續)

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