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  • Wilton 實施 WMI 級別勳章制度
  • 從2009年起除北美地區外, Wilton 每年將對全球所有授權教學老師授予位階勳章. 表示對當年度授課認真的老師給予肯定與鼓勵. 勳章將在WMI年度會議中頒發給得獎老師. 如果年度會議沒有舉行, 勳章將由賀揚公司代為頒發, 我們將用email把詳細內容通告給台灣地區所有WMI. 如果您對此制度有任何問題, 請寫信給我. sn_canada@yahoo.ca .
    Effective January 1 - December 31, 2009

    The Following Information outline the International Wilton Method Instructor recognition program (excludes the United States, Canada, and Mexico). These awards provide annual recognition for a job well done! All awards are presented at annual Instructor meetings unless otherwise noted. If no instructor meeting is held, awards will be distributed by mail.

    •  To be considered for ANY award, an Instructor submit attendance sheets on time and reach Wilton approved classes only. "On time" means sending your course attendance sheets to Wilton by the last day of each month, one sheet per course.
    • All students from approved Wilton 4-week courses and project classes taught at authorized class location apply toward enrollment totals, unless otherwise noted. Students totals are based on information collected from the attendance sheets as recorded in the Wilton tracking system.
    • Award perild is from January 1 through December 31, 2009 unless otherwise noted.

    3-Year Badge Award: Any Instructor who is "active" during his/her first three year will receive a special name badge following their third year.
         "Active" means the WMI follows all tracking rules and teaches enough courses in 2009 to merit reauthorization in 2010.

    Students-taught Awards: Winner will receive an appropriate pin for their level. The following levels and explanations will be recognized.
    • Century Milestones for first 100 students.
    • Awards for these enrollment levels: 250, 500, 750, 1000 (Hall of Fame), 1500, 2000, 2500(Presidents Clubs). 3000, 4000, 5000(imperial Club).
    Wall of Fame Awards: Wall of Fame award winners will receive a special, black WMI apron with a silver logo, in addition to the awards listed below:
    • Hall of Fame - Will receive a Hall of Fame Pin and a framed certificate. In addition, the Instructor's name will be engraved on a hall of Fame Plaque at Wilton headquarters.
    • Presidents Club - Will receive a presidents Club Plaque and Pin. In addition, the instructor's name will be engraved on a President's Club Plaque at Wilton headquarters.
    • Imperial Club - Will receive an Imperial Club Plaque and pin. In addition, the Instructor's name will be engraved on an Imperial Club Plaque at Wilton headquarters.


    【 營業用 | 專業用 | 工作室 】客服專用信箱baking104tw@gmail.com
    【 家用 | 學生 | 個人 | AO攪拌機 】客服專用信箱:baking104ao@gmail.com

    營業時間:週一至週五 9~18:00 (午休及遇國定假日休息)
    8F.-5, No. 7, Sec. 3, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24250, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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